My six favourite books on Personal Finance & Investing

Cleona Lira
10 min readAug 29, 2020

Hi! I am Cleona, founder of Conscious Money. My channel helps you on how to have freedom and clarity with money and life.

In this video, I recommend a range of books which hopefully will be very engrossing to read whilst also helping you learn about the world of investing and insights into your own beliefs and behaviours around money.


Today is a very exciting topic for me. Books. I love books and you probably do too. I have a range of books for you today which hopefully will be a very engrossing read while also helping you to learn about the world of investing and insights into your own beliefs and behaviors around money.

I always find more books than I can read and I’m excited to have a big pile of books on my study table. I only read nonfiction and because I work as a financial advisor I am passionate about learning about this world of money and investing, the psychology of money, the history of stock markets and so my choice of books reflects this.

I have tried to pick books that are a little bit off-piste… although, you probably have heard of one of the books for sure on this list. I will be mentioning the books today in a random…



Cleona Lira

Passionate about investments, financial literacy, NVC. Blogs mainly about a conscious relationship with money at Loves chai & books