Cleona Lira
2 min readDec 22, 2022

There is one big secret about money worth learning about.

That many of us function quite well with money, however, knowing this little tweak could really transform everything.

Want it? Here it is…

Most of us don’t really intimately know our feelings and stories about money. We spend, save, invest, borrow and give away money all the time. But we often don’t question the unconscious programmes driving it. And even after doing several explorations, I find there is more for me to uncover. So, the journey goes on.

Getting more conscious with money is immensely fun and liberating. Don’t get me wrong, it can be uncomfortable too at times. However, the considerable insights from realizing how trapped we are with our limiting, unprofitable stories around money is rich and valuable (forgive the puns). And freeing ourselves with money, frees us around life and work too. Those three (money/work/life) are all so interconnected, of course.

Well, Tash, Agnes and I decided to facilitate a workshop space to do just that sometime this October. We explored our inner world with money. By playing Findhorn Money Games. On the RSA steps. Not the ideal location to play a physical game…but we found a way.

The event was fully booked. So fun! Five of my clients attended, which made me delighted. The audience was typical London — different cultures and ages from maybe 14–75. It included a wise lady who had a beautiful relationship…



Cleona Lira

Passionate about investments, financial literacy, NVC. Blogs mainly about a conscious relationship with money at Loves chai & books