Family Constellations and Money

Cleona Lira
5 min readOct 2, 2019

Family constellations? Huh? It sounded like some bizarre concept when one of my best friends, who I trust immensely and is a trained Psychotherapist requested that I accompany her to a family constellation day. I didn’t do much research, which is probably best as the most effective way to understand this for me was attending and experiencing this in action.

After the day ended with my friend, I didn’t think too much of it and noticed that my friend was glowing with a sense of optimism about decisions she was really worried about before; she even picked me to represent her mother on the day. This was after we agreed beforehand this wouldn’t happen as I knew too much of the ‘inside’ stuff; we laughed about this later. This experience was a few years ago.

As I take quite a keen interest in the relationship with money work, looking at different methodologies to explore money appeals to me and when I heard ‘money constellations’, it intuitively felt right to investigate further.

I attended my own first money constellation weekend in September 2018 with 2 amazing facilitators — Barbara Morgan and Ty Francis. They run an annual event in Cheshire, in the UK; they have impressive qualifications and experience and seemed to approach their work with a high degree of care, ethics and dedication. I won’t say much about my experience — it was very powerful and with some fairly deep changes in real life which perhaps are still unravelling; all I did was ask a question that first morning which got very emotional for me…



Cleona Lira

Passionate about investments, financial literacy, NVC. Blogs mainly about a conscious relationship with money at Loves chai & books