5 Favourite books: Money mindset, abundance, prosperity & overcome money blocks.

Cleona Lira
7 min readSep 26, 2020

I have some amazing life-changing books that really helped me shift towards an abundant, relaxed mindset towards money, work and life. ( Abundant in an ‘enough’ kind of way; not a millionaire).

If you prefer to watch, not read, here is a video.

If you struggle with avoiding money or making practical decisions around money, have unpleasant feelings around money like guilt or anxiety, or scarcity or general blocks around money then hopefully reading these books will help towards the transformation you need for a healthier money mindset and hopefully a prosperous life.

For me, books have been a major way of soaking in wisdom on this topic and so i want to share some favourites with you.

I am hyper-focused on the topic of money, having worked in financial services for over 20 years, including as a regulated financial adviser for more than a decade so the topic is professionally and personally intriguing.

Starting my own business a few years ago, being self-generating with income rather than via an employer, has meant that I look at my own relationship with money and trust me when I say even ‘professionals’ like…



Cleona Lira

Passionate about investments, financial literacy, NVC. Blogs mainly about a conscious relationship with money at http://cleonalira.co.uk Loves chai & books